
Sofia Kantorovich
MSc in Applied Mathematics, 2003, Ural Federal University; PhD in Physics, 2004, Ural Federal University/Moscow State University;
postdoc University of Stuttgart
Sofia Kantorovich is an Associate Professor of Computational and Soft Matter Physics Department, Physics Faculty at the University of Vienna. The Kantorovich research group uses computational and theoretical methods, including molecular dynamics and Monte-Carlo coarse-grained simulations, density functional theory and Fokker-Planck equations, to study fundamental aspects of charged, dipolar and magnetic soft materials, such as ferrofluids, ionic liquids, magnetic gels, elastomers and nanogels. Specifically, they develop and use computational techniques to analyze the role of interparticle interactions on the macroscopic response of such materials, be that phase behavior, magnetization or changes in elasticity and surface properties. Moreover, they ask how one can tune the macroscopic response of soft matter by bottom-up design of self-assembly of building blocks. Sofia Kantorovich has supervised a total of 11 PhD students (8 graduated, 3 in progress). Among other distinctions, she was recognized by L’Oreal-Russian Academy of Science-UNESCO award for young women in science for her work.