
Kristina Djinovic Carugo

Kristina Djinovic Carugo

Diploma in Chemistry 1986, University of Ljubljana; PhD in Chemistry, 1992, University of Ljubljana and Pavia;
postdoc University of Pavia and EMBL Heidelberg

Kristina Djinovic Carugo is Professor of Molecular Structural Biology in the Department of Structural and Computational Biology at University of Vienna since 2004, and Head of the Department since 2009. Kristina Djinovic Carugo’s broad scientific interest lies in investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying the architecture and assembly of the Z-discs of the striated muscle - boundaries between adjacent sarcomeres - using an integrative structural biology approach on reconstituted Z-disc complexes. Other long-standing research lines revolve around structure-function analysis of metallo-enzymes involved in protection from chemical and oxidative damage, methods development for customized protein crystallization based on biophysical properties and approaches for structure analysis of dynamic/disordered systems using solution scattering and NMR combined with selective labelling and distance sensitive spectroscopic approaches. Kristina Djinovic Carugo has supervised a total of 25 PhD students, of which 3 are currently in progress. Among other recognition, she is an elected member of EMBO and a member of the Board of European Muscle Society.